July 3, 2024

All holes at Rams Hill Golf Club have been successfully planted, and anticipation is high for their growth and establishment. Rams Hill is set to open the doors for year-round golf, dining, and Stay and Play beginning October 4, 2024.

The final hole, Hole 9, being planted on July 2.

To promote growth, mowing has commenced on the holes that were planted first. Watch below, as this practice helps the TifTuf bermudagrass spread to create more roots, resulting in more grass on the fairways. Due to the process of hydroseeding, the stolons (stems of TifTuf bermudagrass) were placed onto the surface of the soil, by keeping the areas moist the roots are able to break down into the soil to capture all of the nutrients for successful growth.

Maintenance efforts extend beyond mowing. During the renovation, each sprinkler head was removed and replaced if necessary, while others received new parts. Once the sprinkler heads received the necessary attention, they were replaced and leveled. Fertilizer is being applied to promote the growth of the stolons. Additionally, a new Mini Verde turf nursery is being constructed to ensure our greens are maintained to the highest standards each year.

Both granular and liquid fertilizer are being applied regularly in order to push the growth of the bermudagrass during the important grow-in phase of the project

This extensive project has been made possible by the hard work and dedication of over 80 individuals. A special thank you to Integrity Golf Co., pictured below, American Sod Company and the Rams Hill Turf staff and other dedicated Rams Hill employees for their excellent work throughout the planting process. Because of their efforts the grassing portion of the project was completed a full month ahead of schedule.

Rams Hill is looking forward to seeing the fruits of this labor as the golf course continues to grow in preparation for October and year-round golf. Sustainability remains at the core of this 2-year multi million dollar project. As a result of our construction efforts we are excited to offer more golf, and better playing surfaces while using less water annually.

More Golf + Less Water = Win / Win

Photos taken on June 23, 2024.

June 28, 2024

Summer has arrived in Borrego Springs, bringing unwavering sunshine and high temperatures. The newly planted TifTuf bermudagrass is thriving in the warm conditions. Construction has proven to be swift and successful. The planting process is ahead of schedule and we are looking forward to green fairways. Sodding around the bunkers will conclude on Saturday, June 29. Planting on all 18 holes will be complete by Friday, July 5.

This week, holes 8 and 4 will be planted, while the remaining par threes (holes 5, 9, and 10) are being prepped for hydroseeding next week.

The picture above is of the 17th fairway just after planting.

Holes 6 and 7 were the first to be planted during the week of May 13. Check out their progress below as the tees are scheduled for their first mow on Tuesday, July 2.

The Rams Hill team is also working on creating a MiniVerde bermudagrass nursery to aid in any necessary putting green repairs. Pictured below, the nursery will live between Holes 16 and 18. Phase 1 of this project introduced pure MiniVerde bermudagrass greens to Rams Hill Golf Club. In addition to repairs, the nursery will serve as a replacement agent for the surrounding edges of each green. Every year the green surrounds of each hole will be replaced with MiniVerde bermudagrass as the TifTiuf bermudagrass on the fairways can contaminate these areas.

The picture above shows the construction team laser leveling all tees prior to grassing. This is an important element in the construction process as tee boxes become unlevel as topdressing sand and divot mix build up over time.

About TifTuf bermudagrass

Originally developed at The University of Georgia, TifTuf bermudagrass is specifically designed to be drought-tolerant, allowing Rams Hill to reduce water usage by up to 25% annually for maintaining the golf course.

TifTuf bermudagrass offers more than just drought tolerance. It has been rigorously tested for high wear tolerance, making it ideal for both the climate and the high volume of golfers we expect to enjoy Rams Hill this season and beyond.

Hole 7 on June 24.

Hole 7 on June 24.

Hole 13 on June 24.

Hole 13 on June 24.

Hole 11 on June 24.

The Rams Hill team tidying up the golf course.

Rams Hill is now taking Stay and Play requests for October and beyond – come enjoy an unforgettable golf and lodging adventure on the newly renovated golf course!

June 18, 2024

Officially, half of the holes at Rams Hill Golf Club, specifically holes 1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 18, have been planted through the hydroseeding process.

The first two holes planted, 6 and 7, have already shown considerable growth. The next step in the process is to begin rolling the fairways to prepare for mowing. This step is crucial for the germination of the TifTuf bermudagrass. Rolling the fairways, roughs, tees, and surrounds will create a smoother surface and ensure all of the stolons (stems of TifTuf bermudagrass) establish in the soil.

Watch the rolling process on Hole 17.

This photo shows Hole 6 after the hydroseeding was completed.

 See the change.

The Tiftuf bermudagrass after hydroseeding, taken on June 4 (left). The Tiftuf bermudagrass after two weeks of growth, taken on June 18 (right).

Hole 1 after being hydroseeded, taken on June 18. 

Watch Rams Hill grow! 

Check in on Holes 1 and 18 over the next three months and see the TifTuf bermudagrass flourish through our live webcam

Take a look at the work we have done on Hole 18 so far this summer! Fully planted, we now eagerly await its growth.

This project as a whole represents a significant effort in enhanced sustainability, as upon stabilization it’s anticipated that 25% less water will be needed annually. 

As many know, Rams Hill has traditionally closed for the summer months. As we enter a new era of Rams Hill, we are excited to offer more award-winning golf, unforgettable Stay and Plays, and delectable dining year-round!

More Golf + Less Water = Win / Win 

June 11, 2024

Last week, the Rams Hill construction team completed hydroseeding on Holes 14 & 15 while also beginning Hole 1. Sodding around all bunker faces was completed on Hole 18 in preparation for hydroseeding this week.

Check out the Rams Hill live webcam this week to see the hydroseeding process on Holes 1 & 18 in real-time.

Why Lay Sod Around the Bunkers?

There are many benefits to laying sod around the bunkers faces instead of hydroseeding those areas. The first is the ability to maintain the unique nature of each bunker at Rams Hill. To uphold design integrity, the sod is delicately placed around the edges to not displace the sand or cause any contamination. In order to hold the sod in place, the sod is then “stapled” into the bunker face. At a later time, golf course Architect Tim Jackson will visit the site and mark sand lines, and the construction crew will then come back and trim the excess sod, creating that interesting intersection between sand and turf.

COO and GM Harry Turner commented on the progress of the construction project saying,

“While we are working from a very aggressive construction schedule to get all completed and grown in by the first weekend in October, we are currently on schedule due to the advanced planning with Integrity Golf, American Sod and our very capable in house staff. Work has gone as planned and “Mother Nature” is cooperating with the hot weather that bermudagrass thrives in.”

Golf Course Superintendent Willie Lopez is looking forward to the upcoming high heat days of July and August as the new TifTuf bermudagrass thrives in the warmth.

“So far, construction is going really well; we have six holes already completed. Right now, we are laying sod, hydroseeding, putting sprinklers in – all aspects of the construction process is going on right now,” said Lopez.

Growth is already visible on the planted Holes. See the progress of Hole 6 below, the first planted of this project approximately three weeks ago.

Looking forward to year-round golf? Us too. Click here to secure your ultimate golf trip for October and beyond.

June 5, 2024

All 18 holes have been thoroughly pulverized and are now fully prepared for the hydroseeding process. This initial step of pulverizing the soil significantly enhances water retention, promoting the growth of the new TifTuf bermudagrass. With sustainability at the forefront of this project, the utilization of the pulverizer was crucial in ensuring sustainable water use year after year. Upon completion, Rams Hill is projected to reduce its annual water usage by 25%.

Holes 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, and 15 have already been hydroseeded and are currently in the growth phase. Approximately two holes will be hydroseeded each week until all fairways, roughs, tees, and surrounds are completed.

Listen below as Brian Blafield of Pavement Recycling Systems discusses the benefits of the WR 240i cold recycler and soil stabilizer or “The Pulverizer” and shares his unique experiences using this machinery on the golf course.

May 28, 2024

Rams Hill Golf Club is leading the charge in sustainable golf course management with its recent renovations focused on environmental impact and water conservation. The highlight of this multimillion dollar project is the transition to TifTuf bermudagrass, a hardy, drought-tolerant variety of grass that will reduce water usage by up to 25% annually upon stabilization.

The golf course is undergoing an intensive transformation to thrive in the desert climate. Here’s a step-by-step look at the process:

  1. Sprinkler Removal: The renovation begins with the removal of all sprinkler heads. This step is essential to allow a large pulverizer machine to penetrate deep into the soil.
  2. Stripping and Pulverizing: Once the sprinkler heads have been removed, each hole is stripped of its turf and the soil is pulverized. This crucial initial phase has been completed on all fairways, tees, roughs, and surrounds.
  3. Soil Leveling: With the soil softened, it is then graded to achieve the smoothest possible surface while maintaining the original contours. This step ensures an optimal planting and growing environment for the new grass. This also involves meticulous hand-picking of rocks and debris to ensure a clean surface.
  4. Sod Installation: While the fairways are being prepped for grassing, workers from American Sod Farms lay sod around all bunker face slopes to maintain their design integrity.
  5. Hydroseeding and Watering: Each hole will also undergo a hydroseeding process. Hydroseeding is a mixture of TifTuf bermudagrass stolons (stems of the TifTuf bermudagrass), fiber mulch, and fertilizer sprayed across each hole. After the mixture covers the hole, they are rolled into the soil and watered thoroughly. This rigorous care is crucial during the early stages of growth and will continue throughout the summer.
  6. Growth: Once the stolons are in place, they will be watered daily. Hole 6 was the first to undergo this process and is already seeing growth. The golf course is set to be fully grown in by October!

Listen below to Jimmy Foxx from American Sod Farms as he speaks on the benefits of TifTuf bermudagrass and the process of hydroseeding.

These renovations reflect Rams Hill Golf Club’s commitment to sustainability and in delivering optimum playing conditions to golfers. The Rams Hill team is eagerly anticipating opening the doors in October and to offer year-round golf!

May 20, 2024:

Rams Hill Golf Club has been busy in the desert with the execution of the multi-million dollar conversion project to convert all fairways, tees, roughs, and surrounds to TifTuf bermudagrass. As of today, thirteen fairways (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18) have been stripped and pulverized in preparation for hydroseeding. Before hydroseeding takes place, each bunker face will be sodded to maintain the shape of each bunker. The process of sodding and hydroseeding has begun on Hole 6. 

What is hydroseeding? 

Hydroseeding is a mixture of TifTuf bermudagrass stolons, fiber mulch, and fertilizer sprayed through a hose to encompass the entirety of each fairway, tee, rough, and surround. Once the hydroseeding is complete, the area must be watered thoroughly to promote growth.

More Golf + Less Water = Win / Win

May 9, 2024:

The TifTuf bermudagrass conversion at Rams Hill Golf Club is now in full swing, encompassing all fairways, tees, roughs, and surrounding areas.  As soon as the golf course was closed to the public, the dedicated teams from Rams Hill and Integrity Golf Co. began their responsibilities to initiate the conversion process. 

Hole #6 Post Pulverizing

Every week, selected fairways will undergo thorough excavation using top-of-the-line pulverizers. This step is crucial to prepare the soil beneath, ensuring optimal conditions for the new grass to flourish. Additional equipment will be deployed to refine and smooth the surface, priming it for grassing. 

April 10, 2024:

Through meticulous planning, Rams Hill continues to strive for the future. In the summer of 2024, Rams Hill will complete a two-year, multimillion-dollar renovation project, marching toward providing the pinnacle of playing conditions. This transformation process not only elevates our award-winning golf course to its utmost potential but also strengthens our commitment to sustainability.

During the summer of 2023, Phase 1 was completed as every putting green was converted to MiniVerde bermudagrass. We are incredibly proud of the results of the hard work this conversion took. The new putting greens are firm yet responsive, ensuring a true roll with every putt. As the greens mature they will begin to soften, after they are given the opportunity to receive multiple rounds of aerification for the first time this summer.

The same can be expected for the rest of the golf course upon its transition. “The fairways will play differently with the new grass. The course should play faster and better allow the use of the contours than when playing on ryegrass. Since ryegrass is a cool season grass, it used much more water which caused the turf conditions to be softer,” said Chief Operating Officer and General Manager Harry Turner.

Phase 2 of the transformative project will commence May 1, 2024, with the conversion of all tees, roughs, fairways, and surroundings to TifTuf bermudagrass. Unlike the ryegrass that golfers have been accustomed to at Rams Hill in years past, the new playing surface will no longer require the process of overseeding, allowing Rams Hill to remain open for 12 months. Those with a keen eye may have noticed that the driving range outfield was converted to TifTuf bermudagrass in the summer of 2023, serving as a successful barometer for this summer’s full conversion. Upon stabilization, this drought-tolerant conversion will represent up to a 25% reduction in water usage. 

 “The conversion to TifTuf will offer so many benefits to the course, the staff, and our precious water supply. First of all, once the new grass is stable, it will use approximately 25% less water than we currently use. This summer’s turf conversion, when coupled with the greens conversion from last summer, will enable Rams Hill to remain open year-round creating, 12-month employment for our employees,” said Turner. 

Integrity Golf Construction has once again been entrusted to aid in this summer’s construction. As the construction company entrusted for last summer’s work as well, their expertise has proven to be integral to the success of each stage of this project.

Upon the completion of this summer’s work, Rams Hill will be welcoming players and guests year-round beginning October 2024. This exciting development reflects our commitment to providing an exceptional golf experience for our valued customers throughout the year.

For those looking to get a jump-start on experiencing the Rams Hill renovation, we are accepting Stay & Play quote requests for now and beyond. Start planning your ultimate destination golf trip today.

Stay up to date this summer by following Rams Hill on social media!