Rams Hill Record Book, Old and New

Golf is a game of traditions. And in the seven years since Rams Hill Golf Club was resurrected, we’ve worked to revive many of those traditions — and create a few new ones of our own. But one tradition that has been lost to the desert sands of time is Rams Hill Course Records. Until now. It’s time to correct that oversight by honoring this great golf tradition. But in typical Rams Hill style, we started our search for Course Records in a fun, slightly unconventional, new way that has gotten many golfers involved since we kicked off the campaign — and we’re hoping the hunt for Course Records extends for months, years, even decades into the future.

Back in December 2021, Rams Hill built a Digital Course Record Ladder that we hope will exist forever here on RamsHill.com. More than just a board of the current lowest score for each of our sets of tee boxes (for men, women and juniors), the online Rams Hill Course Record Ladder is an origin story of sorts for how each of those lowest scores reached the top of the ladder. In short, once your name is on the list, it will remain on the list forever even if your Course Record is beaten by another player down the road.

But once we started talking about Rams Hill Records, our research uncovered a few low numbers from the past — most notably a scorecard from Joey Vrzich of San Diego who went sub-60 back on March 12, 2017. Joey’s round of 59 from the Black Tees is the lowest verified round on record (at least for now). But like all records, we expect it will fall someday (with PGA and LPGA players visiting Rams Hill from time to time, you never know who might tee it up).

The Course Records campaign has gotten a boost from a wide variety of players. Rams Hill friend and part-time resident golf hobo Matt Cardis (@GolfInYourState) put his name on the Blue Tee leaderboard when we launched the Course Records search on Friday, Dec. 3, 2021. And professional golfer (and social-media star) Hannah Gregg carded a 65 from the Red Tees during The Clash in May 2022.

Getting on the board is pretty simple. Anyone who shoots the first low score from any set of tee boxes can turn in their card for Course Record immortality. And from there, the ladder climbing begins — if you beat the current posted low score on the day you play, your name will go to the top and move everyone else down a rung.

How do you qualify for a Course Record? Follow these rules:

  1. Play a regulation 18 holes of golf from whichever set of tees you choose (and note the tee color on the card).
  2. Shoot a lower score than anyone else so far from your set of tees.
  3. Player must adhere to the Rules of Golf with all penalties counted and putts holed.
  4. No Equitable Stroke Control — you must play and complete every hole.
  5. Scorecard must be attested by a playing companion.
  6. Turn your signed and dated scorecard into the Golf Shop for verification.
  7. Provide your name and hometown for the Course Record Ladder.
  8. Let us know your social-media handles so we can hype you on Twitter and Instagram.

Our goal is for competitive golfers of all abilities to have fun with the Course Record program — and we look forward to seeing how the Record Book evolves over time. And with 24 Course Record Ladders (Men’s, Women’s and 17-and-Under scores from the Tips, Gold, Blue, White and Red, plus the Combo tees — Red/White, White/Blue and Blue/Gold), there are still plenty of opportunities for a large cross-section of Rams Hill golfers to post for posterity.

So now when you show up and jokingly ask Where’s the first tee and what’s the course record? it might not be a joke after all. The Course Record just might actually be in your reach. You never know until you give it a swing.

It’s Time to Set Your Record Straight. Good Luck.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail marketing@ramshill.com for more information.